Tuesday, May 8, 2018


There are numerous growers of Peonies here in Willamette Valley. I've visited them over the years but until now have not grown the flower. Peonies are a statement flower like none other.  In my garden there is one clump showing off and I almost missed seeing them bloom!  Below is a picture taken about three weeks ago when the peonies were in bud.

And, here I found them blooming their hearts out just a few days later! 
They should bloom strong for a couple of weeks and other buds will come forth. 

Mother's Day is this coming weekend and I will be working in the local floral shop as "extra" help.  My work background includes being a florist and it's a wonderful thing to do "holiday" arranging.  We will be designing with Peonies, since the local farmers make them available.  It will be sheeeeer joy!

Have a Happy Mother's Day! 
 If you are not a mom "Happy Mother's Day" for being you! 

1 comment:

  1. You are making me want to grow peonies in my garden here! I wonder if they will grow in my climate...


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